Thursday, October 25, 2012

So I'm not very good at blogging.  I sometimes forget I even have a blog (especially since everyone else also has a blog, with an actual focus) and many times even when I remember, I don't feel like I have anything to write about.  Around my 29th birthday, I decided that instead of moping over the fact that I haven't been very successful in my career these last four years, I would now make two goals that I want to have happen before my next birthday.  That way I could start focusing what I want out of a life a little more, and really go out and get things back on track instead of boo-hooing that they were not what I thought they would be at this point.  So I decided that my two goals before age 30 would be to 1.) pass a bar exam (not necessarily VA's, at this point anywhere will do), and 2.) write a book or short story of some kind. 

 Right now my road to passing a bar exam is on track, I started the process in  July of deciding which state I would like to try, what study materials I would want to use, and how to go about it so I might actually pass one this time.  I decided on the WV exam because our families are from WV and if anyone needs any legal help, I would be able to help them.  While no bar exam is easy, WV is rumored to be much easier than VA, so hopefully that will help.

I talked to a friend from law school who also did not have the best luck with bar exams, and decided to use Ameribar because they have a one on one tutoring program and it was more focused on studying at home.  I signed up in September and have been slowly studying through lectures and outlines, but the process has gone pretty slow up to this point.  Last night I had my first tutoring session, and I now have a better understanding of how I should tackle studying and what I should be focusing on to actually pass the test.  Before my study method was cramming studying into a three month period with two kids in tow, and it just wasn't realistic.  Instead of knowing any subjects really well I was just trying to study all subjects to some extent, because I didn't have a lot of time to devote to studying.  I ended up knowing a few things about every subject, and I had no idea how to react when a curveball question was thrown at me that I didn't completely know the answer to.  Hopefully I will be able to learn the skills I need to pass and at least be an attorney somewhere, even if its not where I live at the moment.  

 Due to the amount of time studying entails, I decided it would be best to not worry about my second goal until after the bar exam is over.  So for now my blog is going to be devoted to my journey to get through my next bar exam attempt.  Hoping for a more positive year and a successful journey :)