Monday, December 3, 2012

Trying to make it all work...

So the holidays are upon us and right now I am trying to do about a million things at once.  Schlep the kids to their various appointments, activities, playdates, preschool, lessons, etc., clean the house, decorate and do Christmas cookies, etc. all while still finding time to get my outlines and any amount of studying done.  I feel many times like I am drowning.  Like I am doing everything for everyone else and leaving no time to get my work done so I can finally kick this test in the butt.  I am hoping in the coming weeks I can pull out all the stops and have some progress.  Right now my timeline for getting all of my outlines done, printed out, and bound so I can start hammering home the studying is Dec. 28.  As long as I can get that large portion done by then I will be able to incorporate one essay question during the morning, one set of MBE questions at night, and hopefully an hour or two of actual studying in between during a nap or while the kids are playing at a play date.  Every time I start studying to take the bar I feel like I just will never be able to find the time to get all the knowledge I need into my head to pass.  In my past attempts at Virginia's bar exam, this has been true, and I'm hoping I can break the cycle this time for WV.  I wish sometimes that life had a pause button so I could stop all of the things swirling around me and focus on the task at hand, but hopefully I will be able to tackle my huge "to do" list soon :)