I am still diligently trying to get employed. So far I haven't gotten even an interview to any of the jobs I have applied to, but I'm hoping with persistence the right opportunity will open up. In the meantime I am working on reading for pleasure a little bit, and working on getting as much legal information into my head as possible. I have also gotten to catch up on my Vampire Diaries and watch my wonderful Game of Thrones :) I have even become a fresh addict to Downton Abbey (for anyone who hasn't seen it, it is a fabulous show) and have rekindled my love for PBS.
For now I am trying to run after the kiddos with all of our spring/summer activities, lick my wounds from not being good enough (again), and enjoy becoming a member of the dirty thirties in two weeks when my 30th birthday comes :) At least this year we are going to Disney two weeks after my birthday, and as a Disney addict, I am super excited for this trip! It's the second trip for me, my husband, and Riley, but the first trip for our two youngest. We are so excited to see their eyes light up when we go into the Magic Kingdom for the first time! Until then, I will get through the last weeks of school work, baseball, gymnastics, and errand running until we are able to leave to go see a mouse :)