Friday, March 22, 2013

It's been awhile....

So in my regular fashion, it has been months since my last blog post.  It's not like anyone is reading this anyway, so it doesn't really matter if it takes me forever to finally slap something down and call it a post.  Since my last post I swore off facebook so I could spend more time studying for the bar.  That was successful (and surprisingly enjoyable) and I was able to catch up to be fully prepared for the bar.  For once I really knew the information, really understood it, and I am really happy with the effort I made when I took the bar.  My essays were much improved (for me), but I have no idea if they were good enough to pass.  I'm really hoping they were, but I have kept studying just in case I do fail and have started studying to retake the MPRE in April, and I do not feel as confident today as I did walking out of the testing center.  Such is life, I'm really hoping for a pass next to my number when I look at the results in April or May, but I have started preparing myself to see a fail (since that is the only result I have had with this delightful test so far).  

On a happier note, I did get to hang out and catch up on old times with two great friends from law school, so this five month endeavor wasn't all for not.  We had a great time eating and reminiscing, so even if I do fail I at least got to enjoy myself (and it gives me an excuse to go back to WV to do it again in July).  It would be nice to be able to reach a personal goal of finally passing a bar exam, finally feeling like I am capable and that my life from 2005-2008 wasn't a complete waste of time and money.  The only things that have come out of it so far are great friends and of course my wonderful family, which many people act like I am a whiny pain in the tush for being unhappy with that.  And it's not like I'm unhappy, I am a very goal oriented person who goes after what I want with fervor and I get very frustrated when I do everything that I am supposed to (and go above and beyond what I should) and I still get no results.  Hopefully this chapter of my life will be over and I will be able to be a licensed attorney in WV (even though we don't live there).  Maybe this will help me win back some of the self esteem I have lost over the last few years.

So that is my little update for now, hopefully I will make another blog post soon (or sometime before three months from now).  

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